Friday, October 14, 2011

Establishing Merit and Criteria: Blackberry

1.For my critical review I have decided to review a specific line of products. I will be looking into the pros and cons of this line of smart phones. The blackberry merits evaluation for a few reasons. The popularity of this cell phone has been off the charts for more than half a decade. Personally, I have been surrounded by "the crackberry" for my entire teenage life. I would guess that about three fourths of everyone in my high school owned a blackberry last year. There are several qualities to the blackberry that make it very appealing to a wide range of consumers. One of these qualities is the email software that the blackberry possesses. Professionals such as lawyers or business men are attracted to this phone for this reason. Blackberry comes out with a new model nearly every year. They continue to strive for a newer and better product in order to continue to compete with other smart phones such as the iphone and the android. The blackberry is definitely a revolutionary devise but there are several negative qualities to this phone. As a blackberry owner myself I find myself frustrated with glitching and freezing nearly everyday. Because of these negative qualities you can consider the blackberrys controversial. This unique smartphone is both popular, revolutionary and controversial and for these reasons it merits evaluation.
2.The blackberry falls under the category of a cellphone and even more specifically a smart phone. In today's society the wellbeing of your handy dandy cell phone is very valuable. Compared to other smart phones such as the iphone or android, blackberrys are not quite as expensive. Still, with the addition of the monthly fee to have internet on your phone makes it relatively expensive. There are many phones on the market that could be compared to the blackberry. The line of android smart phones are a new popular alternative but the new king of the smartphone world is the iphone. Every single piece of criteria that makes a cell phone better and more advanced has been mastered by apple in the iphone. Blackberrys are completely outmatched by all the advanced qualities that the new iphone 4s possesses.
3. a)Messaging: Texting is becoming a more popular mode of communication in cellphones than actually speaking. The messaging software is where the blackberry beats out the iphone. The famous bbm is what draws many consumers to buying blackberry. Blackberry messaging puts texting into a quicker and more accessible format. The fact that you can only bbm with other people that have blackberrys makes people want to buy the phone if they have friends that have it.
b)Battery Life: The battery life in a blackberry is worse than most. I find myself needing to charge my phone once overnight and then again during the day. If you do not properly close your applications, they continue to run and kill you battery.
c)Apps: Cool apps are necessity in smart phones today. Of the three main smart phones, the blackberry, iphone and droid the blackberry has by far the worst apps. There are less apps to choose from and the and the ones that they do have don't seem to function as well as their rival cell phones.
d)Easiness to use: I find that the layout of the blackberry is somewhat confusing. Its like there are a bunch of file cabinets on the front of your phone. Also I find myself frustrated with a frozen blackberry. In order to fix this issue you must restart your phone. When you take out the battery of most cellphones they go back on in a few seconds but that is not the case with the blackberry. It can take up to five minutes for a blackberry to reboot.
e)Durable: I have only had a blackberry for a few months and so far I have not had any issues with durableness but that is not the case with everyone. I have a friend who has gone through more than ten blackberrys. I find that if you keep your case on and keep it away from water you shouldn't have any issues with your blackberry breaking.

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