Thursday, August 25, 2011

When beginning any type of writing assignment you are attempting to accomplish some sort of goal. Over the course of my academic career I have had countless writing assignments. With each new essay, novel, or journal entry that I am assigned to I am faced with a new rhetorical situation. Whether it be providing the argument for why democracy is right or explaining why I am the correct person to be chosen to attend Penn State, when diving into a writing assignment there is always some point the writer is trying to prove. In today's society it's not just essays where we are faced with rhetoric. Through the use of social media such as Facebook and Myspace and other modern forms of communication like instant messaging and texting, our generation is faced with a situation where we can express ourselves in a public light on a daily basis. With each wall post or text message that I write there is a some type of goal that I am trying to accomplish. Before sending a text or posting on someone's wall their is always a mental process that takes place. For the most part when I post something on Facebook it is in response to someone else writing on my wall. I don't want to just write any old thing. I hope to truly entertain the person I am writing towards and all of the "mutual friends" that may take the time to see what I have written. Over the course of my life I have developed my own personal writing style. My writing style has some good qualities but also some negative aspects to it. One of the aspects of my writing that I would consider a strength is my ability to be descriptive with the style of writing that I choose. I try to write in a specific way so that my writing is easy and enjoyable to read. When writing a story I feel as if I do a good job at allowing the reader to picture the event I am writing about. One of the people that I truly look up to, both in life and in writing ability is James Taylor. Ever since I was a little kid I have been listening to this incredible artist. James Taylor does an unbeilavable job at making his songs into intricate stories that paint a vivid picture. One of my favorites is, a song called Sweet Baby James. With each consecutive line I picture the same thing in my head as I did since I was a little kid. My personal writing style does have some negative qualities to it. One of the ways I hope to improve my writing is my vocabulary. With a wider range of vacabulary I feel as if it is easier to write a captivating and interesting story. One of the people that opened my eyes to the potential of language is the master, William Shakespeare. The first play I read by Shakespeare was Romeo & Juliet. I found his style of writing so incredibly poetic and descriptive, and after finishing Romeo & Juliet I moved onto his other plays such as Hamlet and Macbeth. Over the course of the semester in English 015, I hope to continue to grow as a writer and improve on several aspects of my writing.